    Jancel Moreno

    Marta María Ramírez


    Jancel Moreno´s political activism at the Universidad de Ciencias Médicas in the central province of Villa Clara and his belonging to the LGBTIQ+ collective in this space that seeks to project a path forward for the island´s emerging community in the face of the Código de las Familias, on which a plebiscite should be held this year by legislative mandate.


    Jancel Moreno grew up in the Havana neighborhood of Alamar and studied at the Instituto Pre-Universitario Lázaro Peña. He studied medicine for three semesters until 2018, when he began to feel the repression and harassment of professors due to his activism on social media, in particular during the popular referendum of the 2019 Constitution. He founded the platform Dame la mano in February 2019 to begin to visibilize parts of LGBTIQ+ activism, with a vision of actions on the street with public impact. With Dame la mano he has organized campaigns for the visibilization of the rights of LGBTIQ+ communities in Cuba and in favor of sexual rights such as: “El Mismo Amor, Los Mismos Derechos Cuba” and “Por una Cuba Inclusiva”. He has worked and collaborated for different magazines, among them Havana Times, Tremenda Nota y ADN Cuba.


    LGBTIQ+ Two years after May 11th, what´s next?